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Below, we have tried to answer some of the main questions parents and carers ask us during the enquiry and booking in process.  If we have not answered a question you have, please contact us....we'd be happy to help.


My child is still in nappies.  Can they still come to Busy Bees?

Yes!  We understand that children are in different stages of their development when they start with us.  We are happy to change nappies but you will need to send your child in with nappies and wipes every time they are in as we don't supply these.  When children are in our Butterfly group (their Preschool year), we would encourage and support children to be out of nappies unless there are any medical needs.  We work with parents in partnership to help children achieve this important stage in their physical development.  


Can my child just attend one session a week?

Yes.  We understand that if children are not funded, parents can be limited financially as to how many sessions they can afford per week.  

What do I need to send my child in with for a session at Busy Bees?

Children need to come in fully prepared for a session.  All children need to have wellies for every session as we go outside in all weathers.  They will also need nappies, wipes, a change of clothes (named) and a packed lunch.  Children also must be adequately prepared for the weather.  In the Summer, children must have sun cream applied before coming to Busy Bees - if they are staying all day, they will also need to come in with a named bottle of sun cream for us to apply before outside play in the afternoon, a sun hat is also a necessity.  In the colder weather, children must come in with a warm, waterproof coat and a hat, scarves and have wellies.


My child has had Calpol when they woke up.  Can they still come?

Unfortunately, not.  If children have needed Calpol or any other painkiller for children, they are deemed to be unwell and should stay at home.  Painkillers can mask other symptoms and we usually find that children go downhill once the medication has worn off.


My child has dietary needs.  Can they still come?

Yes.  We have catered for many children with lots of different dietary needs.  What we ask is that you communicate your child's needs with us so we are able to ensure they are safe and well looked after.


My child has a dummy.  Can they use this at Busy Bees?

We have recently developed a 'no dummy' policy.  This was developed following our journey to becoming a 'Communication Friendly Setting' through Elklan and also with advice from the local Health Visiting Team.  Although not all children who use dummies experience problems with their communication and language development, many do.  Dummies prevent children from making the correct movements with their tongue and mouth when making speech sounds.  Research also suggests that children with a dummy are less likely to make babbling and speech sounds when sucking, impacting on early speech development.  


What is your routine at Busy Bees?


9:00 Preschool children arrive and marked in the register and free play


9:30 – 9:40 Circle time


9:45-10.00 Snack time


9.45-11.30 Free flow and free play.  Children are free to play with a variety of resources and activities indoors or outdoors.  Craft is readily available as well as messy play. 


11:30 Tidy up time and nappy changing time


11:45 Story and song time for Caterpillars, Letters and Sounds for Butterflies.


12:00 End of morning session.  Doors open for parents to collect and drop off.  


12.15-12.45 Lunch time. 


12:45  Free flow play. Time for the children to play with a range of toys and activities. 

Including messy play, craft and small group activities.


2:30 Snack and story time


2:45-3:00 Children collected by parents/carers


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