Meet the team
At Busy Bees, we take our commitment to staff suitability very seriously. To ensure the staff working at Busy Bees are suitable, the Safer Recruitment process begins from the point of application. This process ensures that all staff working in the setting are safe to do so. Please ask if you would like to see a copy of our Suitable Persons checklist.
If you would like to join our team then please head to our careers page to see what current vacancies we have.
Elle Crossland - Manager

Certificate of Higher Education in Early Childhood Studies
Level 3 Diploma in Children & Young People's Workforce
Designated Safeguarding Lead
I am the Manager at Busy Bees Ledbury. I'm the person you're most likely to see when you come to look around, greeting you at drop off and pick up times and speaking to you on the phone.
My role includes:
Responsibility for the welfare of children and staff.
Keeping up to date with the children's progress.
To ensure Busy Bees is a safe, caring and stimulating environment for all children to flourish.
Ensuring the EYFS Curriculum is of a high standard with effective delivery of teaching from all staff.
Liaise with outside agencies and parents when required to do so.
The operational running of The Hive.
Responsibility for the admission of children, managing how many children we have in on each day, the spaces we have available and confirming start dates.
Managing the budgets and finances, including funding and invoicing for sessions.
Recruitment of staff following Safer Recruitment procedures.
Reporting back to the Directors.
Jodie Smith - Deputy Manager

Level 3 NVQ in Early Years Care and Education
Level 3 Award for Early Years SEN Coordination
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Elklan - Level 3
I am the Deputy Manager.
I'm the person you're most likely to see greeting you at drop off and pick up times.
My role at Busy Bees is as a Key Person for a small group of families. This includes:
Keeping up to date with the children's progress.
Liaise with outside agencies and parents when required to do so.
Keeping families up to date with children's progress.
Responsibility for children's personal care and welfare including supporting parents through periods of transition such as toilet training and progression to school.
Help your child make progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) by spending time with your child in small groups to extend their learning.
Encourage your child’s personal, social and emotional development through a safe, trusting and nurturing relationship. Our aim is that when children leave us, they are well on their way to becoming happy, confident, self-directed learners.
Observe your child to understand their preferences, interests, learning style and development. This information will be used to plan activities which build on your child’s interests and extend their development.
Julie Elvins - Third In Charge

Level 3 Children's Care, Learning and Development​
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
My role at Busy Bees is as a Key Person for a small group of families. This includes:
Keeping you up to date with your child’s progress.
Responsibility for children's personal care and welfare including supporting parents through periods of transition such as toilet training and progression to school.
Help your child make progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) by spending time with your child in small groups to extend their learning.
Encourage your child’s personal, social and emotional development through a safe, trusting and nurturing relationship. Our aim is that when children leave us, they are well on their way to becoming happy, confident, self-directed learners.
Observe your child to understand their preferences, interests, learning style and development. This information will be used to plan activities which build on your child’s interests and extend their development.
Jen Callachan - Early Years Educator
Level 3 NVQ in Early Years Care and Education
My role at Busy Bees is as a Key Person for a small group of families. This includes:
Keeping you up to date with your child’s progress.
Responsibility for children's personal care and welfare including supporting parents through periods of transition such as toilet training and progression to school.
Help your child make progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) by spending time with your child in small groups to extend their learning.
Encourage your child’s personal, social and emotional development through a safe, trusting and nurturing relationship. Our aim is that when children leave us, they are well on their way to becoming happy, confident, self-directed learners.
Observe your child to understand their preferences, interests, learning style and development. This information will be used to plan activities which build on your child’s interests and extend their development.
Zara Davies - Early Years Educator

Level 3 Diploma in Children & Young People's Workforce
My role at Busy Bees is as a Key Person for a small group of families. This includes:
Keeping you up to date with your child’s progress.
Responsibility for children's personal care and welfare including supporting parents through periods of transition such as toilet training and progression to school.
Help your child make progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) by spending time with your child in small groups to extend their learning.
Encourage your child’s personal, social and emotional development through a safe, trusting and nurturing relationship. Our aim is that when children leave us, they are well on their way to becoming happy, confident, self-directed learners.
Observe your child to understand their preferences, interests, learning style and development. This information will be used to plan activities which build on your child’s interests and extend their development.

Mollie Smith - Early Years Educator

Working towards BA Hons in Childhood Studies
My role at Busy Bees is as a Key Person for a small group of families. This includes:
Keeping you up to date with your child’s progress.
Responsibility for children's personal care and welfare including supporting parents through periods of transition such as toilet training and progression to school.
Help your child make progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) by spending time with your child in small groups to extend their learning.
Encourage your child’s personal, social and emotional development through a safe, trusting and nurturing relationship. Our aim is that when children leave us, they are well on their way to becoming happy, confident, self-directed learners.
Observe your child to understand their preferences, interests, learning style and development. This information will be used to plan activities which build on your child’s interests and extend their development.
Piper Meek - Apprentice Early Years Educator
Working towards Level 3 Early Years Educator Apprenticeship
My role at Busy Bees is to support and learn from Preschool Assistants whilst working towards my Level 3 Early Years Educator Apprenticeship. This includes:
Providing a safe and nurturing environment for children.
Assisting children with care routines.
Supporting our qualified Preschool Assistants to provide quality teaching through the delivery of our Curriculum.
Interacting with children in a fun and educational manner.
Mirror the quality practice that I see from the qualified Preschool Assistants.

My role at Busy Bees is to support the children during lunchtimes, helping them find their lunchbox and drink and opening or chopping up their food when needed.
I also clean the building to keep it a safe environment for the children to explore.
Magdalena Dziadowiec - Lunchtime Supervisor and Cleaner